
Research and Development

DHshipbuilding is continuing internal and external R&D cooperation.

To reward our customers with the world's best technology, we are committed to developing better products through continuous internal and external researches and development co operations.

  • Admin
  • 10-29-2021

125K Twin-Screw Shuttle Tanker Development Completed

125K Twin-Screw Shuttle Tanker Development Completed


The company has completed the technology development of a shuttle tanker for the North Sea which is a new high-value-added ship type.
Since October last year, the company has formed a consortium with the medium-sized ship design team to develop shuttle tanker technology for the North Sea.
The shuttle tanker is a ship that receives crude oil from offshore drilling vessels and floating oil production facilities and transports it to land, divided into which for Brazilian waters and the North Sea. The company currently has the technology of a shuttle tanker (HN 5800) for Brazilian waters. And they have been developing shuttle tankers for the North Sea to strengthen the technology and competitiveness of its main vessels.
The company and the middle-level team jointly developed twin screws, lines, and propellers to support the North Sea's rough sea conditions and stable operation at low drafts, resulting in higher cargo volume and lower fuel consumption compared with ship size.
In addition, to meet strict environmental regulations of the North Sea, the VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) recovery system is loaded HIPAP (High Precision Acoustic Positioning) facilities were used to supply crude oil stably at the depth of the North Sea (about 700 meters).
In addition, it can effectively meet the International Maritime Organization (IMO)'s CO2 emissions regulation by loading LNG dual-fuel propulsion facilities that can reduce sulfide, by 85%, nitrogen oxide, by 98%, and particulate matter by 85%.
Through this consortium, the company plans to secure technical information necessary for sales of shuttle tanks in the North Sea, prepare additional information such as specifications and estimates, and request AIP (basic certification) from the classification societies.
Lee Kyung-Seok, head of the technical department, said, "The North Sea shuttle tanker has more requirements than the general shuttle tanker, so it is difficult even to build a large shipyard.
He added, "The recent rise of oil prices is expected to lead to an increase in ship orders due to the recovery of oil production facilities and the shipping market."