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To reward our customers with the world's best technology, we are committed to developing better products through continuous internal and external researches and development co operations.
- Admin
- 10-29-2021
Daehan Shipbuilding Signs 12.5K LNG Bunkering Vessel Technology Development MOU with ABS
Daehan Shipbuilding Signs 12.5K LNG Bunkering Vessel Technology Development MOU with ABS
Daehan Shipbuilding (CEO Jeong Dae-Sung) announced on January 22 that it signed an MOU about the development of 12.5K LNG bunkering ships.
Daehan Shipbuilding has decided to develop 12.5K LNG bunkering ships with ABS to meet the various needs of ship owners. They will exploit major design drawings of 12.5K LNG bunkering ships within this year.
For this cooperation, Daehan Shipbuilding will proceed main design with ABS's technical support and review to obtain the AIP. And they will use this AIP to accelerate sales and obtain orders.
Daehan Shipbuilding signed a 7.5K LNG bunkering ship technology development MOU with ABS and LR in 2020 and received official approval for the new design.
With the Environment issue increasing, interest in LNG fuel and LNG bunkering ships increase.
With the growing interest in LNG fuel, demand for LNG bunkering ships is also expected to increase. Considering this market situation, Daehan Shipbuilding is trying to meet the market needs by completing the basic design as soon as possible.
Lee Kyung-Seok, head of technology, said, "Daehan Shipbuilding has been recognized as a medium-sized tanker specialty company in the global market. We will develop eco-friendly ship technology respond to environmental regulations and meet the global customer needs."