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- Admin
- 10-29-2021
Daehan Shipbuilding approves the new design of DNVGL small LPG carrier (AIP)
Daehan Shipbuilding approves the new design of DNVGL small LPG carrier (AIP)
Daehan Shipbuilding received an AIP award for a small LPG carrier from DNV GL.
On December 14, 2020, DNVGL awarded Daehan Shipbuilding (CEO Jeong Dae-Sung) confer AIP for the new design of small LPG carriers of 5,000-7,000 DWT grade.
Jung Dae-sung, CEO of the Daehan Shipbuilding, and Vida Dronen, head of the Korea-Japan regional headquarters, attended the ceremony.
Before AIP, Daehan Shipbuilding and DNV GL jointly developed a small LPG carrier that uses LPG as dual fuel.
While Daehan Shipbuilding has focused on developing new ship designs, DNVGL has reviewed all basic and detailed designs under relevant regulations and has provided technical advice from gas transportation corporation experts to strengthen design development.
Jeong Dae-Sung, the CEO, said, "With the design verified by DNV GL, we can now provide the market with upgraded shipbuilding capabilities." From an environmental point of view, these ships can prepare for the future and meet the increasing demand of ship owners for efficient small LPG carriers," he said.
Vidal Dronen of DNV GL added, "Our close cooperation is core of this development. We have worked successfully with Daehan Shipbuilding in previous projects such as Daehan Shipbuilding's first Suez Max tanker and shuttle tanker series. So We expected to continue cooperation with Daehan Shipbuilding"