
Research and Development

DHshipbuilding is continuing internal and external R&D cooperation.

To reward our customers with the world's best technology, we are committed to developing better products through continuous internal and external researches and development co operations.

  • Admin
  • 10-28-2021

Daehan Shipbuilding Cooperation with ABS Busan to Develop 7,500 M3 LNG Bunkering Ships

Daehan Shipbuilding Cooperation with ABS Busan to Develop 7,500 M3 LNG Bunkering Ships



Busan, South Korea, 25 September 2020: Daehan Shipbuilding Co . , Ltd ( DHSC ) entered into a Joint Development Project ( JDP ) with ABS Busan to develop a 7,500 M3 LNG Bunkering Vessel. Mr . Dae - Seong Jeong, DHSC President & CEO, and ABS's Mr . Darren Leskoski, Manager of Regional Business Development, signed the JDP in the LR office in Busan.
Daehan Shipbuilding has decided to develop 7500M3 LNG bunkering ships with ABS to meet various demands from ship owners following LR Busan and will make main design drawings within this year.
In the process of this cooperation, Daehan Shipbuilding will proceed with the main design with ABS' technical support and review, obtain the AIP (Approval in Principle), and use it to accelerate sales and obtaining orders.
With the growing interest in LNG fuel, demand for LNG bunkering ships is expected to increase. Considering this market situation, Daehan Shipbuilding is trying to meet the market's needs by completing the basic design as soon as possible.
Jeong Dae-Sung, CEO of Daehan Shipbuilding, said, "Daehan Shipbuilding already has the best technology for LNG fuel propulsion ships based on its high position in the medium-sized tanker market. In addition, LNG bunkering ships are one of these portfolios, which aims to expand into small gas vessels to flexibly respond to needs of future market and make effective use of company facilities."
Mr. Darren Leskowski, ABS Asia Manager, said, "Thank you for your cooperative relationship with Daehan Shipbuilding, and we will support the success of this JDP, which is part of the C&D activities of Daehan Shipbuilding."